Downloadable Support Document

  • Lincoln Ag Products – 2025 Info Packet [PDF]
    Packet contents:
    • Price List
    • General Information
    • Seed Sizing Guide
    • Product Information

General Information

  • John Deere B type plates are 6-15/16” overall diameter and fit the following planters:
    • John Deere 71 and similar JD gravity fed plate planters.
    • Yetter 71 Series currently manufactured and sold today.
    • 1968 & later models of White (M.M. Oliver), Cockshutt, Dempster and Cole planters.
    • 1976 & later Ford 352 pull type and K.M.C. (Kelly Mfg. Co.)
    • Allis Chalmers gravity fed plate planters in combination with an AC-Adaptor.
  • International C type plates are 7-5/8” overall diameter and fit the following planters:
    • IHC 56 and similar model IHC gravity fed plate planters.
    • 1968 and later models of Case.
  • Massey Ferguson type plates are 8¼” overall diameter and fit the following planters:
    • Model 37, 39, 41, 46, 78, 468, 545
    • The Massey Ferguson plates are considered a flat drop plate with a completely enclosed round cell different from an edge drop plate.
    • Massey Ferguson made both flat drop and edge drop planter bottoms for most all models.
    • The Massey Ferguson edge drop style plates are larger in diameter than the flat drop style plates.
    • Verify your hopper takes flat drop type plates before ordering.
  • Dimensions of individual seed cell sizes:
    • All cell sizes are listed in 64th’s of an inch.
    • The 3 dimensions are listed as Length – Depth – Thickness
      • Length being measured along the outer edge of the plate.
      • Depth being measured from the outer most edge of the plate to the inside of the cell opening.
      • Thickness being measured from top to the bottom of the cell.

Cell Size Description

Seed Sizing Guide

Proper plate sizing to the specific seed you are planting is critical in achieving consistent planting rates for high crop yields. Seed can be very expensive, so it is critical to use the proper sized plate to minimize seed waste and maximize crop yield. The following is a general guide for matching your seed to the proper sized plate. This information is for sizing seed to the John Deere and International Harvester style plates.

You can always send us a small sample of seed, just 10-20, for sizing. If you do send seed for sizing always wrap them up so they do not get crushed by the postage machines. The bubble wrap envelopes work very well. And always include your email address as well as what type of planter you have. We typically email you with a plate recommendation the same day we receive the seed.

Once you have selected the proper sized plate it is always wise to do a couple rotations with the planter above ground on a flat surface, like a road, to make sure everything is working correctly before going into the field. This would also be a good time to make any adjustments to the spacing with the sprockets.

General Sizing Guidelines:

  • Always size the plate to the largest seed in your sample. Otherwise, the larger seeds will plug the cells and you will get skips. If the seed varies greatly in size, you may get some doubles of the smaller seed depending upon how well the seed is graded in size.
  • It is recommended to have at least 1/64” of clearance between all sides of the seed and the cell of the plate. You do not want a lot of additional space where a second seed could fit within the cell.
  • It is generally preferred to have 1 seed per cell or drop, however for some crops like soybeans, it is preferred to have multiple seeds per cell or drop for population purposes.
  • Some plates are thinner than a standard corn or soybean plate, such as our Sunflower and Sorghum plates. Because they are thinner, they require a specific filler ring, so they fit tight in the planter bottom.
  • All filler rings are of a specific thickness to work with an individual plate. It is critical you use the correct filler ring for the specific plate you are using.
  • Older more worn-out plates will plant at a different rate than a new plate. Always ensure the plates you are using are of equal wear to achieve consistent planting rates among different rows.
  • Most all corn plates have a wear gauge built in. There is little hole located on the bottom of the plate. When the top of the plate becomes worn down over time from the seed rubbing on it the hole will eventually become visible from the top indicating it is time to replace the plates.
  • Some planter bottoms where the plate goes can become very worn over time. This creates additional space between the plate and the planter bottom where some smaller seed can get resulting in varying spacing and planting rates.


  • For corn if there is not a specific planter plate recommendation on the bag of seed it is best to send us a small sample and we can match it up to the correct plate. We have about 15-20 different sizes for both round and flat corn seed.
  • Round corn plates have a round or tear drop shaped cell, whereas flat corn plates have a rectangular shaped cell.
  • Most all seed is labeled round or flat seed. Sometimes there is even a specific plate recommendation on the bag of corn seed, although this seems to be less common these days.
  • Typically corn seed that does carry a specific plate recommendation is graded more consistent in size for use with gravity fed plate style planters.

Round Corn Seed:

  • For sizing round corn seed there are only 2 critical dimensions. The length of the seed and the width at the widest point.
  • You want to compare the length and width of the largest seed in your sample to the length and depth of the cell on the plate.
  • You are looking for a plate with a slightly longer length and deeper depth than your seed.

Flat Corn Seed:

  • For sizing flat corn seed there are 3 critical dimensions. The length, depth, and thickness of the seed.
  • The length of the seed will be the largest of the 3 dimensions, being measured from the tip of the seed to the other end.
  • The thickness of the seed is typically the middle of the 3 dimensions, being less than the length and greater than the depth. It is measured by lying the seed flat on a surface and measuring how wide it is at the largest point.
  • The depth of the seed is always the least of the 3 dimensions. The depth is measured by placing the seed flat on a surface and measuring how far up from the surface the skinny side of the seed is while lying flat.
  • The depth of the seed is most critical to get the correct sized plate.
  • You are looking for a plate with a cell having a depth of about 1/64” larger than the depth of your seed.
  • The flat corn seed will ride up on the skinny edge when it fits within the cell of the plate.
  • After finding a plate with the correct depth of cell for your seed, compare the length and thickness of the seed to make sure they fit within the cell on the plate as well.
  • Most all corn plates are 20/64” thick. Because of this, the thickness of the plate or seed is the least critical dimension to get the correct sized plate.
    • Some smaller flat corn plates will have a thickness less than 20/64” of an inch.
  • If you have a flat corn seed of a width greater than 20/64” you may need to flip over the floor plate that hinges closed on the planter bottom holding the plate in.
    • There is usually a flat side and a grooved side to the floor plate that closes shut.
    • The grooved side will help accommodate seed of a width larger than 20/64”.


  • Sorghum seed is usually listed as so many thousand seeds per pound, ranging from 10,000 – 20,000 seeds per pound. That correlates to a specific plate, so you only get 1 seed per cell or drop. All the single drop sorghum plates require a specific filler ring, so they fit tight in the planter bottom because the plates are thinner than a standard corn plate. Without the filler ring seed would get above or below the plate and drop out randomly.
  • Most of the single drop sorghum plates come in either 30 or 60 cells for spacing purposes. The 60 cell plates should plant anywhere from 2-8lbs per acre (assuming 36″ rows) and the 30 cell plates will plant half that depending on your sprocket settings.
  • Or we have multiple drop sorghum plates that are thicker like a corn plate. But you will get multiple seeds per cell or drop. These thicker multiple drop plates do not require a filler ring.
  • Please refer to the product information packet or the specific plate descriptions on our website for which sorghum plates correspond to what seed size.


  • Sunflower plates are thinner than a typical corn plate, so they require a specific thickness filler ring to fit tight in the planter bottom.
  • Sunflower seed is typically labeled with a size, #2 through #20. That size then correlates to a specific plate, so you get just 1 seed per cell or drop.
  • If a size is not listed, we would need a sample of the seed to recommend a specific plate.
    • If the seed is not labeled most seed dealers can get you this information.
    • If it came from a smaller bag without a label most always the larger bag it came from is labeled with a size.
  • Please refer to the product information packet or the specific plate descriptions on our website for which sunflower plates correspond to what seed size.


  • We have 3 different sized soybean plates for both John Deere and International planters.
  • All the soybean plates are multiple drop plates, meaning you get multiple soybeans seeds per cell or drop. This is needed to get the preferred populations for planting soybeans.
  • Because they allow multiple soybean seeds per cell the plates will work with all sizes of soybean seed.
  • Please refer to the product information packet or the specific plate descriptions on our website for soybean planting rate information.

Sugar Beet:

  • Sugar Beet plates require a specific sugar beet bottom in the planter.
    • Different from a standard corn bottom.
  • A Sugar Beet bottom consists of a specific metal floor plate that hinges shut and works in combination with a metal filler ring with an integral drop tube in combination with a specific sprocket setup.
    • All different than what is used on a standard corn bottom.
  • There are different thickness filler rings that work in combination with the different thickness sugar beet plates we have.
    • It is critical to make sure you have the correct combination.
    • For this information it is always best to consult your owner’s manual. Unfortunately, we do not have this information available as to what plates work with what filler rings.
  • If you do not have a specific sugar beet bottom most people will use one of our single drop sorghum plates in combination with the required plastic filler ring, we sell.
  • Most people find the single drop sorghum plates work very well for planting sugar beets.
  • For sizing, simply measure the diameter of the sugar beet seed and make sure it will fit within the diameter of the cell and with reference to the plate thickness as to not crack the seed.

Miscellaneous Vegetable Seed:


  • Please note, the following plate recommendations are simply based off previous customer’s experience and positive feedback.
  • Seeds do vary in size, even within the same variety, and could always require a different sized plate than what is recommended.
  • It is crucial you always test fit your seed within the cell and do a couple rotations with the planter above ground to make ensure everything is working properly before planting in the field.

Beans (edible):

  • Lately we have been seeing all shapes and sizes of edible beans so it is best to send us a small sample and we can match them up to the best plate. In the past people have used the plates listed below.
  • The B11-16, B11-24, B5-16, B5-24X, B13-16 and B13-24 are common plates to use for edible beans. Keep in mind we have been sizing beans to many different plates than these lately.
    • These plates often require modifications to enlarge the depth of the cells.

Collard Greens:

  • Most people prefer the largest single drop sorghum plates for planting collard greens, the same plate that is used for Okra.
    • For JD planters we recommend the B-Sorg 13-30 or B-Sorg 13-60 in combination with the required BFR-1 filler ring.
    • For IHC planters we recommend the C-Sorg 13-30 or C-Sorg 13-60 in combination with the required CFR-1 filler ring.


  • Most people prefer the following plates for planting cucumber.
    • For JD planters, our smallest sunflower plate, the B050-16, B050-24 or B-Blank 050. All in combination with the required BFR-40 filler ring.
    • For IHC planters, our smallest sunflower plate, the C050-16 & C050-24 or the C-Blank 015. All in combination with the required CFR-3 filler ring.
  • Most customers report getting 2-3 seeds per cell in the sunflower plates with the existing cells. This seems to be preferred for population purposes.
  • Some people prefer the blank plates to achieve specific spacing requirements different from that available with a 16 or 24 cell plate.


  • For planting okra most people have good success using the largest single drop sorghum plates, the same plate as used for collard greens.
    • For JD planters we recommend the B-Sorg 13-30 or B-Sorg 13-60 in combination with the required BFR-1 filler ring.
    • For IHC planters we recommend the C-Sorg 13-30 or C-Sorg 13-60 in combination with the required CFR-1 filler ring.


  • We size peas to a lot of different plates. The best option is to send us a small sample and we can match them up to the best plate for you.

Pumpkin Seed:

  • Most people prefer to cut their own cells into a blank sunflower plate when planting pumpkin seed.
    • For JD planters we recommend the B-Blank 015 in combination with the required BFR-2 filler ring.
    • For IHC planters we recommend the C-Blank 015 in combination with the required CFR-2 filler ring.
  • People seem to prefer anywhere from just 2-8 cells to achieve their preferred spacing for pumpkins.
  • The blank plates are made of plastic and cut very easily with a Dremel tool or even a hand file.
  • Simply take your largest seed and lay it on the flat flange part of the plate and trace it.
  • Next cut out the rough shape, making sure to cut small at first and test fit the seed often as you enlarge it, as to not make the cell too large.
    • Ideally you want a cell with about 1/64” clearance around the seed.
    • However, the cell shape and size does not need to be extremely precise. Basically, you don’t want enough clearance where you could fit another seed or part of another seed within the cell, as it will then crack and will not germinate.
  • Some people prefer to slightly chamfer the upper edge of the cell, to help the knocker assembly kick out any possible double seeds that are lying on top of one another.
  • After cutting just 1 cell in the plate it is recommended to do some testing with the plate and some seed in the hopper and do a couple rotations above ground to ensure everything is working properly.
  • Once everything seems to be working well, go ahead and cut however many cells you need in the plate to achieve your preferred spacing.


  • Most people prefer the following plates for planting squash.
    • For JD planters, our smallest sunflower plate, the B050-16, B050-24 or B-Blank 050. All in combination with the required BFR-40 filler ring.
    • For IHC planters, our smallest sunflower plate, the C050-16 & C050-24 or the C-Blank 015. All in combination with the required CFR-3 filler ring.
  • The sunflower plates with the existing 16 or 24 cells will need all the cells enlarged to accommodate the entire squash seed.
  • Because of the all the required modifications to the plates with cells people often prefer blank plates to start from scratch.


  • Most people prefer the following plates for planting watermelon.
    • For JD planters, our smallest sunflower plate, the B050-16, B050-24 or B-Blank 050. All in combination with the required BFR-40 filler ring.
    • For IHC planters, our smallest sunflower plate, the C050-16 & C050-24 or the C-Blank 015. All in combination with the required CFR-3 filler ring.
  • The sunflower plates with the existing 16 or 24 cells will all need the cells enlarged to accommodate the entire watermelon seed.
  • Because of the all the required modifications to the plates with cells people often prefer blank plates to start from scratch.